Engagement Evening for German Internet Community Members


Staff member

Wednesday 25 September 2024 (16:00 - 18:00 UTC)​

Europe | Berlin, Germany | In Person​

Event Description​

Please join ICANN, eco and IPB on Wednesday, 25 September, 18:00 – 20:00, for a discussion on"Multistakeholder Internet Governance and the Internet we want" followed by an informal reception.

When: Wednesday, 25 September 2024, 18:00 – 20:00 (entry from 17:30)
Where: IPB Internet Provider in Berlin GmbH, Lützowstraße 106, 7th floor, 10785 Berlin

Space is limited. Invitees must be registered for entry.
Kindly RSVP by 20 September 2024 here [surveymonkey.com]

We look forward to welcoming you!

18:00 start of programme

Welcome Remarks - Steffen David, CEO IPB Internet Provider in Berlin GmbH

Discussion: Multistakeholder Internet Governance and the Internet we want

The multistakeholder approach to the global governance of the Internet has served us very well. How can we ensure the Internet continues to be open, inclusive, interoperable and its governance continues to be multistakeholder?

Initiatives such as Global Digital Compact, Net Mundial+10, WSIS +20 and Summit of the Future are debating different approaches to Internet governance. In the UN system the well-established and highly successful model of multistakeholder governance is being challenged by some States supporting alternative multilateral approaches.

The participants in this workshop will reflect on these processes, and consider the challenges and opportunities their outcomes present. We will discuss strategies for collaboration particularly for the WSIS+20 review.

Moderator: Thomas Rickert, Director Names & Numbers, eco - Association of the Internet Industry


  • Irina Soeffky, Director National, European and International Digital Policy, Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (Government)
  • Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Professor Emeritus, University of Aarhus (Academia)
  • Bruna Martins dos Santos, Global Campaigns Manager, Digital Action (Civil Society)
  • Peter Koch, Senior Policy Advisor, DENIC eG (Technical Community, IGF-D)
Introductions and Closing Remark: Chris Mondini, ICANN

Networking reception, food and drinks to 20:00

Seats are limited and available on a first-come-first-served basis.


IPB Lützowstr. 106, 7th floor
Berlin , Germany

Event Format​

In Person


Open Event

How to Join​


Contact Information​

Gabriella Schittek gabriella.schittek@icann.org

Register Now